At this time of year, my pine trees emit clouds of yellow-green pollen from the smaller cones which they exchange wind-borne among themselves while depositing much of it over our cars below. Washed into puddles by a rainstorm, though, it creates this wonderful artistic soup.
- AG
I was being a little general in referring to ‘pine’ pollen here. The trees are Lebanon Cedars (part of the pine family) which pollinate around October/November in northern climes. I read somewhere that, in Texas, they issue daily pollen counts in early fall as huge clouds of cedar pollen particles came in from someplace. They sell a lotta anti-allergy stuff off that, I imagine.
- AG, November 29, 2006
Camera: FinePix6900ZOOM
Focal Length: 9.7 mm
Exposure Time: 0 sec
Aperture: f 3.2
ISO: 100
Welcome to American Grey | light
This site stands in the shadow of American Grey | frames, my (closed) original photoblog 2005-2009.
Many of my earlier postings are reproduced here together with pastings of Comments made at the time.
All images Copyright AmericanGrey 2005-2020.
Visitors may also be interested in my ‘feathered friends’ site at Avian Grey.