A medley of door details from just one local street. Doorways say so much about the house itself and those who live inside. These have had a few hundred years to build up a meaty conversation.
- AG
STOP PRESS !! : : Island House (bottom row, center) now on the market. Offers in excess of £4,500,000 / US$8,550,000. Details Here.
Camera: NIKON D70
Focal Length: 24 mm
Exposure Time: 1/80 sec
Aperture: f 8
ISO: 200
Welcome to American Grey | light
This site stands in the shadow of American Grey | frames, my (closed) original photoblog 2005-2009.
Many of my earlier postings are reproduced here together with pastings of Comments made at the time.
All images Copyright AmericanGrey 2005-2020.
Visitors may also be interested in my ‘feathered friends’ site at Avian Grey.