These ‘shrink-wrapped’ Christmas trees on a London street give the appearance of cocoons from the larder of a giant spider. The prices are frightening, too, at around £60 / US$115.
A few things about this shot which was taken on impules with the pocket camera thru a gap in London road traffic :
- the trees are about 7 feet/2M tall
- they were reserve stock and not yet unwrapped for sale
- prices for little trees started at about £30/US$60
FACT :: The (US) National Christmas Tree Association reported 32.8 million live trees were bought in 2005 at an average reported cost of $41.90. That put live tree sales at $1.4 billion for the year. - AG, December 14, 2006
The history of such trees at Christmastide is a little foggy but there are pre-Christian pagan traces and more definite origins in 16th century Germany. In England, it was King George III (1760-1801) who first introduced the custom of a decorated fir tree via his German-born wife, Queen Charlotte, and there are various claims for the ‘first Christmas tree in the US' from 1777 onward.
- AG
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Many of my earlier postings are reproduced here together with pastings of Comments made at the time.
All images Copyright AmericanGrey 2005-2020.
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